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The Biig Fiig Update!

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The Big Fiig Update!

What’s new with Fiig? (Everything)

Try Fiig Now!

Since launching on October 16th, we've taken your feedback to heart, recognizing the need for a more straightforward, intuitive interface on Fiig. After three months of dedicated refinement, we're excited to unveil the new and improved Fiig. This update isn't just about a fresh look; it's about providing a smoother, more efficient research experience for all our users.

New Advanced Tools that Keep You Thinking

We can't wait to see what you create.

  • Enhanced AI Engine : Our AI engine has been upgraded with state-of-the-art models, ensuring more accurate and insightful analysis.

  • New PDF Upload Process : The newly streamlined process for uploading PDFs lets you bring your sources to the project. These PDFs are turned into an AI-friendly format, enabling fiig to read and analyze their entire text. Uploaded PDFs live seamlessly alongside evidence bookmarked in fiig search. There is no page limit on individual file uploads or number of sources per project limit.

  • Innovative Search Capabilities : Our improved search algorithm now efficiently downloads full PDFs of academic articles without leaving fiig. We also made locating a paywalled source official publication link easier for easy access through your institution.

  • Optimized Drafting Algorithm : Tailored for generating extensive outputs with numerous citations, our drafting algorithm now supports MLA and APA in-text citations and features interactive works cited sections.

  • Advanced Outlining Algorithm : This new feature aids in structuring the overarching logic of your research paper, ensuring an optimal distribution of sources throughout your work.

  • Customizable Tone Control : The introduction of tone control allows for a personalized analysis lens, tailoring your research outputs to the desired tone and perspective.

  • Enterprise Support : We now support enterprises looking to integrate our advanced analysis tools into their systems. Contact us for more information.

  • Speed Enhancements : Significant improvements have been made to the platform's speed, ensuring all users have a faster, more responsive research experience.

UI/UX Redesign

We looked hard at the Fiig interface and saw room for improvement. You told us that navigating the platform could feel like a maze; we took that to heart. Our new design is about simplicity and efficiency. We've minimized clicks, streamlined processes, and created a clean, direct experience that lets you find what you need without the hassle. Whether starting a new project or diving back into an ongoing one, Fiig's updated interface gets you where you need to go faster and with less fuss in just five steps.

1. Plan

Start by laying out your big ideas. Talk about what you want to write, choose how long your paper will be, decide on the style, and pick how to cite sources.

2. Search

Dive into a pool of scholarly articles. Just type in your topic to explore a world of academic papers. Pick the ones that catch your eye for your project!

3. Analyze

Make sure the articles you chose fit your research project. Fiig will read and break down each one, explaining how they connect to your topic.

4. Outline

Organize your thoughts. Work together with Fiig to lay out the main points of your paper in a transparent way.

5. Write

Bring your paper to life. Watch as Fiig crafts your research paper with in-depth details and citations.

Celebrating Our Users: The Heart of Fiig

At Fiig, our users are the driving force behind our innovation. Your feedback is not just valuable; it's vital. It shapes our updates, transforms our features, and ensures we always move in the right direction. We want to extend a special thank you to our first 50 users. You've been the pioneers, the early adopters who believed in the potential of Fiig and contributed immensely to its growth.

Your insights and suggestions have been instrumental in shaping the platform into what it is today. As we continue to evolve, we promise to keep your needs and feedback at the forefront of everything we do. Together, we're not just building a platform; we're crafting a community dedicated to pursuing knowledge and excellence in research.

Fiig.ai by Ubik

Fiig.ai from Ubik Studio is an academic tool that helps humans collaborate with AI to understand research without sacrificing learning. At Ubik, our mission is to create products at the intersection of technology and positive impact.

Join us

After making an account at fiig.ai, users can:

  • SEARCH peer-reviewed journals

  • Get help using AI studies findings to PLAN projects

  • COLLABORATE with AI to finalize reports (with citations)

